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Serving The Community

Children's programming

NN Extension Master Gardeners will work with your school personnel and students to help create the school garden of your dreams! While each school must take ownership of their garden, Master Gardeners can offer leadership, information, instruction and encouragement throughout the process. From planting one tree to the creation of a complete working garden, Master Gardeners are available to work with your team to enable a successful project in your school.

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Community Gardens

NNMGA assists local groups to successfully begin or maintain community garden projects. Some services include providing information about how to avoid common pitfalls when starting a garden and "Ask a Master Gardener" informational presentations. Members of NNMGA were involved in establishing the Hilton Community Garden and continue to support that effort. We look forward to helping you as well!

Garden for Nature

The Garden for Nature Committee promotes the restoration of ecosystems through the removal of invasive plants and the widespread use of native plants throughout our community.

Our activities are focused on expanding educational outreach, increasing access to native plants and seeds, and fostering community partnerships.

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grin grow


learning garden

at Riverview Farm Park

This interactive learning garden contains small themed gardens, a large butterfly garden and a native tree grove comprised of a variety of small to large native specimens. Signage identifies each space and QR codes link visitors to garden diagrams and plant identification. Residents are encouraged to use these gardens
when making choices for their home landscapes.


Healthy Landscapes is a team of our Extension Master Gardeners who respond to requests from residents of Newport News for site visits to solve horticulture problems.  When a visit is deemed necessary in order to help the client, a team of 3-5 Master Gardeners will visit the site, talk with the property owner, assess the issue and create a plan of action that will address the problem.  Site visits are conducted when information cannot be transmitted via phone calls and emails.


Check it out!

NNPS-TV coverage of our 2023-24 grant program in action at Passage Middle School and Denbigh High School

Horticulture Grants

Newport News Master Gardeners Association (NNMGA) Horticulture Grants are designed to foster and support the development of student-based projects within both public and private Newport News schools that reflect the Virginia Master Gardener mission of enhancing horticultural awareness and the environment. These grants are designed to provide seed money for on-campus projects that increase student understanding and appreciation of the role of plants and gardening in the local ecosystem and on their campus. Student centered and hands-on projects are strongly encouraged.


Achievable Dream Middle, Denbigh Baptist, First United Methodist Preschool, New Horizons Center for Autism/Newport Academy, Peninsula Catholic, Sanford Elementary, Warwick High, Woodside High

Horticulture Therapy

One of our oldest community programs brings residents of the James River Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and Newport News Master Gardeners together weekly throughout the year. Activities for the residents often include the creation of handmade flower arrangements that are then enjoyed in their rooms during the week. Flowers are donated from local businesses and member's gardens for the creation of the arrangements. Other fun activities led by Master Gardeners include the enhancement of an outdoor garden space, the creation of bird feeders and other seasonal activities. The most popular aspect of  the Hort Therapy program is the cultivation of personal relationships that bring joy to everyone involved.

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Black Soil

Land Care

Master Gardener Land Care Stewards work to increase and improve the condition of yard waste management in their community through the establishment of volunteer programs to bring about sound land care management practices.  These practices help to lead the community toward a more sustainable landscape system; decrease our unhealthy dependence on diminishing landfill space; greatly improve soil quality without the use of commercial fertilizers; and help to create more beautiful home landscapes.

Plant Sales

Our semi-annual plant sales are a big hit!  You will see us in the spring and fall at the home of one of our members.  Watch our home page for sale details. You’ll find a variety of houseplants, native shrubs, trees and pollinator flowers, bulbs, and sometimes even a little gardening gear like pots, gloves and books.You’ll also find mosquito prevention kits and the Design Desk. The funds from our sales support our School Horticulture Grants.

plant sale

Rain Barrel

Rain Barrel Workshops are designed to educate homeowners in the importance of water conservation and recycling while creating a rain barrel for use in their home landscape and gardens. Our workshops, held throughout the year, feature experts from Newport News Waterworks, Newport News Recycling Division, and Newport News Extension Master Gardeners.


Newport News Master Gardeners no longer offer in-home presentations.The following 2024 presentations are available to groups of 30 or more. 

"Lawn Reduction" 

"Horticulture Top10"

"Gardening for Wildlife"

If you are an organization interested in a large group speaker presentation, send us a contact message through this website or call the Newport News VCE office at 757-591-4838 ext. 311.

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Whether you are a homeowner wondering why your dogwood stopped blooming or a teacher looking for a program on the importance of trees, you can call on the Tree Stewards to steer you in the right direction. The Tree Stewards are Master Gardeners who have taken advanced training in trees, their care, and their critical importance to the environment. One of our most important jobs is tree calls; coming to your home to look at any tree you have questions or concerns about. You will frequently find us at festivals, libraries and schools giving out information to encourage people to care for their trees properly and to plant more trees. 

TREX Plastic Recycling Project

NN Master Gardeners collect, save and recycle flexible plastic of all kinds as a part of a program created by the TREX Company, Inc.  The goal of the company’s program is to keep thousands of pounds of waste out of landfills and to provide recycled materials for the creation of environmentally responsible outdoor products.  

Our volunteers collect, weigh and report collection totals throughout each month.  By dropping the collected plastic at a participating store, our organization has qualified for benches that have been donated and placed at various locations throughout the city.  Each bench represents 500 lbs. or 37,500 plastic bags that have been collected and saved by our members.

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Ready to take your home gardening to the next level?  Want to compost but don’t have room?  Looking for a year round source of fertilizer?  Vermiculture, or worm composting, may be the answer for you.   Learn about the benefits of raising worms in your own home and walk away with your own complete worm composting bin.  Your kids will LOVE this workshop!


Water Stewards are Master Gardeners who have received advanced training in water quality, conservation, and management. They can design programs to educate the community on water conservation and landscape management practices to protect water resources. All Master Gardeners can participate in Water Steward projects.

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A gardener's volunteer organization.

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Help Desk: 757-591-4838 EXT 311

Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, ethnicity or national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other basis protected by law.

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